Oak Smoked


kr 112,-

18 in stock


After many months of testing different ways to hold the smoke flavour into this bar, we've found a great result and we love it. We, with our oak smoked chocolate bar, are proud winners of the International AoC Bronze Award 2019 in the category Flavoured Dark Chocolate Bar.


Manjari 64% mørk sjokolade, kakaosmør, sukker, melkepulver, salt fra Saltstraumen, Kan inneholde spor av gluten, nøtter og eggeprotein.

Oppbevares ved 14-16°C


We recommend trying an Indian Pale Ale (Vestfjorden fra Bådin Bryggeri),
or a Stout (Svartisen or Svartvatn fra Bådin Bryggeri)
These are great options to pair with this bar.